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What can Occupational Therapy do for you?

 "In it's simplest terms, occupational therapists help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everday activites (occupations). Common occupational therapy interventions include helping children with disabilities to participate fully in school and social situations. ... Occupational therapy services may include comprehensive evaluations of the client's environments, recommendations for adaptive equipment and training in its use, and guidance and education for family members and caregivers. Occupational therapy practicioners have a holistic perspective, in which the focus is on adapting the environment to fit the person, and the person is an integral part of the therapy team."  - Referenced from the American Occupational Therapy Association

Handwriting Concerns

-Improve legability, line orientaion, spacing between letters and words, letter directionality, letter sizing, decreased reversals

​Sensory Processing

​- Determine what specific sensations may be impeding full engagement in age appropriate activities and implement plans to improve the body's registration of those senses so that they interfere less with participation in meaningful activities

​Activities of Daily Living

- Improve independent performance of every day self-care routines through the implementation of visual supports, adaptive equipment, scaffolding motor skills and backwards chaining as needed to fully master each ADL routing (e.g. shoe tying)

Articles & Resources
Spatial/Body Awareness

- Improve your child's understanding of directionality, understanding of their body in space in relation to their environment as well as manipulating the objects within it (e.g. left & right awareness, overall coordination)

Computer Access and Keyboarding Skills

- Improve efficiency of computer screen navigation and typing accuracy by determing most efficient method for computer access and recommending adapted computer hardware tools (adapted mouse/keyboard) and software programs (e.g. word prediction programs, speech to text, etc.)

Motor Sequencing 

- Improving child's retention and direction following by practicing recall of multistep commands with a preferred activity (e.g. obstacle course)

Strength and Endurance​

- Identify specific areas of muscle weakness, grade exercises to improve strength, and teach activities that can be performed at home to maintain new strength and promote further gains in muscle endurance

Gross Motor Skills

- Increase proprioceptive awareness of body in space to improve overall coordination of large muscle groups

(e.g throwing/cathcing/kicking a ball)

Fine Motor Skills

- Improve dexterity and refine precise motor movements of the fingers/hand that integrate in a coordinated system to perform age appropriate tasks (e.g. cutting, drawing)

Vision/Visual Motor Skills

- Idenfity specific areas of weakness in visual motor skills and visual perception (e.g. visual discrimination, figure ground,  visual sequential memory, etc.) to improve visual motor integration and task performance

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San Diego, CA 92103

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